TC Kimlik Numarasının Sonu 0-2-4-6-8 Olanlara 44.000 TL Yattı. Yapı Kredi Bankası, ekonomik sıkıntılarla boğuşan bireylere nefes aldıracak bir adım atıyor. Yeni başlatılan özel ihtiyaç kredisi kampanyasıyla, 44.000 TL'ye kadar destek sunuluyor. Bu kampanya, gelir belgesi talebi olmadan ve düşük faiz oranlarıyla dikkat çekiyor. Peki, bu kampanya nasıl işliyor ve kimler bu fırsattan yararlanabilir?  Kampanya Detayları: Yapı Kredi Bankası'nın özel ihtiyaç kredisi kampanyası, ekonomik zorluklarla başa çıkmaya çalışan herkese umut veriyor. 44.000 TL'ye kadar kredi imkanı sunulması, düşük faiz oranları ve gelir belgesi talebinin olmaması, bu kampanyanın önemli özellikleri arasında yer alıyor. Başvuru Şartları ve Süreci: Başvuruda bulunmak isteyenler için gerekenler oldukça basit: TC kimlik numarasının son hanesi 0, 2, 4, 6 veya 8 olan herkes başvurabilir. Başvuru süreci hızlı ve kolaydır; Yapı Kredi şubelerine kimlik ve gelir belgeleriyle giderek başvurularını tamamlayabilirler. Ancak, başvuruda bulunanların kredi puanlarının 1400 ve üzeri olması gerekiyor. Kredi İmkanları: Bu kredi sadece nakit ihtiyaçlar için değil, aynı zamanda mevcut borçların kapatılması için de kullanılabilir. Yapı Kredi Bankası, müşterilerine borç yönetimi konusunda esneklik sağlayarak mali durumlarını iyileştirme fırsatı sunuyor. Hızlı Başvuru Avantajı: Acil nakit ihtiyaçları için ideal olan bu kampanya, başvuruların aynı gün içinde onaylanması gibi önemli bir avantaj sunuyor. Bu da kampanyadan faydalanmak isteyenlerin hızlı çözümlere ulaşmalarını sağlıyor. Kimler Faydalanabilir? Kampanyadan yararlanabilmek için belirli kriterlere uyum sağlanması gerekiyor. TC kimlik numarasının son hanesi ve kredi puanı gibi kriterler, başvuruların kabul edilmesinde etkili oluyor. Borç Kapama Olanakları: Bu kampanya aynı zamanda mevcut borçları kapatma imkanı da sunuyor. Böylece, mali yükü hafifleyen bireyler, daha sağlam bir finansal gelecek için adım atmış oluyorlar.

İsrail'in Barkod Numarası Değişti mi? Bir Instagram hesabı tarafından 1 Kasım 2023'te yapılan paylaşımda İsrail'in boykottan kaçmak için 729 olan barkod numarasını 871 ile değiştirdiği iddia edildi. Küresel Standart (GS1) kodları önceden belirlenmiş ve değiştirilmemiş. GS1 sistemine göre İsrail'in kodu 729, 871 ise Hollanda'ya ait. GS1 barkod numaraları menşe ülkeyi değil, ürünlerin üretildiği ülkeleri belirtiyor. İsrail-Hamas savaşının belirsizliğinin devam ettiği günlerde sosyal medyada ve kamuoyunda her iki tarafa da destek kampanyaları sürüyor. İsrail'e karşı boykot kampanyaları daha önceki çatışma dönemlerinde de gündeme gelmişti. GS1 sistemine göre İsrail'e verilen ülke kodu 729. 870'den 879'a kadar olan kodlar ise Hollanda'ya tanımlanmış, dolayısıyla İsrail'in değiştirdiği iddia edilen 871 kodu Hollanda'ya ait. Türkiye'ye tanımlanan GS1 kodları ise 868 ve 869 numaralarından oluşuyor.

Eğrigöl baharla birlikte canlandı. Karların erimeye başladığı Geyik Dağı'nda, önemli doğal güzelliklerden birisi, Eğrigöldür. Birçok kişi bölgeyi yayla ve kamp alanı olarak kullanmaktadır. Geyik Dağı'na Konya ve Alanya şehirlerinden ulaşım mümkündür. 2000 metreden yüksek olan bölge, cazibesini koruyor ve endemik bitkileriyle dikkat çekiyor. 

İsrail malı nasıl anlaşılır? 
Türkiye'de satışı yapılan ürünlerde bu barkodlara baktığınızda '729 GS1' kod ile başlayan ürünler İsrail'de ya da İsrail menşeli olarak üretilmiştir. Ürünleri satın almadan önce barkod numarasının ilk üç hanesine bakınız, eğer 729 rakamını görüyorsanız, bu marka İsrail menşeli olarak üretilmiş demektir.

Antalya'da önceki gün yaşanan teleferik kazasının nedenine ilişkin bilirkişi ön raporu tamamlandı. Rapora göre teleferik direklerinin bağlantı noktalarında yer alan bağlantı elemanlarının yetersiz olduğu ve korozyona uğradığı belirlendi. Makara sisteminin hasarlı olması, kazanın yaşanmasına neden oldu. Kazada Memiş Enes Gümüş (54) hayatını kaybetti. 17 kişi ise yaralandı. Sistemin durması nedeniyle havada asılı kalan 24 kabindeki 174 kişi yaklaşık 22,5 saat süren çalışmaların sonunda kurtarıldı. Teleferik diğer ulaşım araçları ile kıyaslandığında en güvenli ulaşım aracı. Her iki ulaşım aracını da kullanan bir insanın trafik kazasında hayatını kaybetme olasılığı teleferik kazasına göre çok daha fazla" Teleferik hattı ve tesisler, Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi şirketi ANET A.Ş tarafından işletiliyor.

Bağ budama zamanı bitiyor. Bağ budaması için en uygun dönem, şubat sonu, mart başıdır. Özellikle üzümde verimi yakalamak için şart. Yurdun değişik bölgelerinde budama işleri tamamlandı. Siirt, Şirvan, bu yerleşim yerlerindendir. Anadolu'da bağcılık önemli tarımsal faaliyetlerdendir. 

2024 Yerel seçimleri, iki farklı siyasi partiyi doğurdu. İyi Parti ve Dem Parti. Cumhur ittifakı, oy kaybetti. Dikkat çeken diğer husus, oy kullanmayan seçmen sayısının yüzde yirmileri geçmesidir. Bu sonuçlara ilave olarak Yeniden Refah Partisi'ninde oy potansiyelinin yüksek olduğu görüldü. Yirmi birinci yüzyılın ikinci çeyreğinde bu siyasi partiler, ülke yönetiminde etkili olacak görünüyor. 

Türkiye, bazı ürünlere ihracat yasağı getirdi. Özellikle İsrail ile yapılan ürünlere uygulanan yasak, dikkat çekti. İsrail, bu konuya tepki gösterdi. Türkiye'de üretilen ürünlerin ithal pazara dönüşmesi,  ne kadar mantıklı kabul edilebilir? İç pazarın geliştirilmesi daha akıllı bir karar olarak görülmektedir. İsrail'in Türkiye'yi Amerika'ya şikayet edeceğini belirten mesajları ise dikkat çekici kabul edilebilir. Gazze'ye giden yardımların engellenmesi, diğer sorun olarak belirtilebilir. 

İklim değişikliği, Avrupa'nın temel gündemi Uzmanlar tarafından son yılların en sıcak ortalamalarının yaşandığı belirtiliyor. Dolayısı ile her devletin bu konuda duyarlı olması gerektiği vurgulanıyor. AİHM konuyla ilgili olarak önemli kararlar veriyor. Bazı devletleri duyarsızlıkla suçluyor. İsviçre, bu devletlerden birisidir. Türkiye'de duyarsız devletler arasında yer alıyor. Soğuk aylardaki ısınma şekilleri dikkate değerdir. Odun kullanmak, küresel ısınma için çözüm olabilir. Çünkü odunsu doku doğada su kayıplarına neden olmaktadır. İsraf oluşturmaktadır. Kuraklığa neden olmaktadır. 

Aylin Hasret Otlu, muhtar adayı olarak dikkat çekti. Metin Oktay Mahallesi'nde erkek rakiplerini geride bırakan Otlu, seçimi kazandı. Muhtar mahalleyi değil mahalle muhtarı yönetmelidir diyen Otlu, inşaat mühendisliği okudu. Fotoğrafçılıkla uğraşıyor ve yerel yönetimler bölümü öğrencisidir. Genç muhtar, seçimi kazanarak haber olma değerini kazandı. Kadınların yerel yönetimde rol alması, demokrasi açısından önem taşıyor. Otlu, kadınlara bu konuda örnek oluşturuyor. 

Graduated Retirement System Approved for Post 2000 Insured Persons! New step is being taken for citizens who have not lost their hopes after the EYT regulation made after last year. The gradual retirement regulation expected for citizens with insurance entry after 2000 was approved by the President and the Turkish Grand National Assembly. With this regulation, individuals who had insurance between 2000 and 2008 will be given an opportunity during the retirement process.

Gradual retirement is a system in which insured people can retire if they gradually complete a certain age and premium date conditions. With this new regulation, 43 years of age and 6250 premium days are required for women who have taken out insurance after 2000, and 45 years of age and 6250 premium days are required for men.

Individuals who complete the age and premium date conditions determined by the regulation will be able to benefit from the right to early retirement. Especially with this long-awaited regulation, the retirement process has become clearer and more transparent for citizens with insurance coverage. Those who want to benefit from this opportunity will need to meet the specified conditions.

What important steps should be taken for the continuation of the KOP Project? 15.5 billion lira was spent for the project. The fact that this financed money is earned by the project provides optimum benefit. The cash spent on this project should be managed along sustainable lines. For example, the Konya Plain Project can be financed within the region. One million people can be managed in the region with an amount of 15 thousand liras. Thus, the desired efficiency can be achieved from the project.

Citizen says ; Local governments can create an integrated consensus. Thus, the KOP Project can become a feasible area for the Konya Region. The demographic and financial structure of the region creates such a benefit.
Citizen says ; In the KOP Project, one of the platforms is the civil society structure. Civil society; organizations such as associations, foundations, cooperatives and unions. Economy-related issues can be handled through cooperatives. The region's reserves should be transferred to civil society. Thus, it may be possible to manage 15.5 billion liras. The total reserve benefit can create economic benefit to the region.
Citizen says ; Konya Plain Project is important for the region. Optimum benefit from the project must be achieved. At this point, a project-specific insurance system can be developed. The amount of someone who deposits premiums into the BES system for two years reaches 50 thousand liras. It rises to 70-80 thousand with the insurance return. Insurance is an important function in managing 15.5 billion lira. Local people can adapt to such a system. For example, wheat insurance can be made.

Newspaper Centmarin saying! 

What should be done for success in football? Clubs need to be managed well. Certain schools should be taken as a criterion. Determining the football player portfolio based on school moves the team to a functioning system. Just building a team is not enough. The club must be rich in football players. The system can only work this way. Slosa Disdimara club gives these suggestions.

If you could wear one color dress for the rest of your life, what color would you wear? I think it's unpleasant to be in a situation where you have a symptom. I would like to wear a color that does not cause symptoms. Smoked food is not a symptom. The trick is to choose colors with smoked tones. In this way, the person will not experience much trouble. I recommend patterned fabrics for men and plain fabrics for women.

In the records of the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, the UK Distributor of the Beko brand, Ali Koç, Hugh Dallas and his brother John Dallas appear as company partners. The speech of the referee Abdulkadir Bitigen, who managed the Galatasaray - Antalyaspor match, with the Central Referee Board trainer Hugh Dallas and VAR Training Consultant Pawel Gil, had a great impact on social media.

The Galatasaray-Antalya match played on February 26 was included in the speech. Referee Abdulkadir Bitigen continued the game in the position of Tete from the yellow-red team and Van de Streek from the Mediterranean team, and gave a penalty after watching the position on the monitor with the call of Özgür Yankaya from VAR.

Domestic Markets: Weekly Bulletin - 25 March 2024 While the stock market BIST100 index closed last week with a 3.20% increase, there was a positive weekly closing again after the last three weeks of decline. The index, which started its reaction rise on Tuesday, accelerated its rise with the CBRT's interest rate decision on Thursday. It completed the week positively with a flat closing on Friday. The banking index XBANK achieved a significant return on a weekly basis, with an increase of 12.87%. When we look at the stock basis, we see that the movement is in the shares of 5 private banks, of which YKBNK stands out. Public banks maintained their pressured course. The XTUMY index, which consists of stocks excluding BIST100, decreased by 2.59% last week. We can easily see that the movement is in the BIST30 index and mostly in bank stock

Last week was quite active in terms of agenda. Internally, it was a very hawkish statement that the CBRT increased the interest rate by 500bps beyond expectations and increased the corridor band to 300bps, and then gave the message that it would increase the interest rate if necessary. After the statement, we observed that the upward movement in the DollarTL exchange rate was stopped and a decline occurred. On the other hand, the Fed continued to maintain its expectation of 3 interest rate cuts. In addition, the BoJ ended the negative interest rate period after 17 years and increased the policy rate to a positive level. On the other hand, the first two stock markets that rose the most among global indices last week were Argentina and Turkey. Egypt, Chile and Hong Kong stock markets were the ones that fell the most. A positive week has passed for the US and European stock markets.

With the CBRT's interest rate increase, we may see higher levels in deposit interest rates. This situation will put pressure on the BIST100 index. We have already been seeing the impact of high interest rates for a while. For this reason, we continue to expect a volatile period in the BIST100 index between 8500-9500. If the index rises above 9500 and settles, the upward movement may become stronger.

Rising and Falling Sector Indices

The index that increased the most last week was the Liquid Bank Index with 13%, followed by the Banking Index with 12.87% and the Communication Index with an increase of 8.82%.

The sector index that fell the most was the sports index with 11.20%. This was followed by GMYO with a decrease of 7.73% and Textile index with a decrease of 6.53%.

Enterra halka açılıyor
Enterra halka açılıyor

The public offering bookbuilding process of IC Enterra Renewable Energy Inc. will be held on 27-28-29 March 2024, and the public offering will be held at a fixed price of 10.00 TL per share. Shares with a total nominal value of 369,565,717 TL to be offered to the public; The portion with a nominal value of 277,174,288 TL (75%) was allocated for sales to Domestic Individual Investors, and the portion with a nominal value of 92,391,429 TL (5%) was allocated for sales to Domestic Institutional Investors. Domestic Individual Investors will be able to submit their requests to the intermediary institutions in the consortium. Domestic Institutional Investors will be able to apply for public offering through Ak Yatırım, İş Investment and Ziraat Investment.

Why Antalya? İt is a matter of curiosity why Antalya, the tourism capital of Turkey and among the 50 most preferred cities in the world, is so preferred. Antalya is a world-famous city with its warm climate, sea and kilometers-long coastline. Even if the weather is cold in different cities of Turkey, it is possible to benefit from the sea and sun in Antalya, where even the winter months are warm.

Antalya, one of the metropolitan cities of Turkey, welcomes local and foreign tourists from all over the world with quality holiday opportunities every year. This situation also contributes significantly to the development of the city. Antalya, the capital of tourism and the pearl of the Mediterranean region, also makes a name for itself with its success in health tourism. The ease of transportation to its beautiful districts also attracts tourists. Antalya, which hosts foreign tourists in districts such as Kaş, Kemer, Side, Belek and Alanya, attracts attention with its natural beauty.

There are significant investments in the field of health tourism in Antalya, the popular tourism city. Health institutions serving in this field provide perfect service to their patients from all over the world. You can combine health tourism with a holiday safely and with pleasure in Antalya, where there are brand doctors in oral and dental treatments, hair transplantation, aesthetics, beauty and surgery. While you are enjoying the historical streets of Antalya, a city that attracts tourists in all seasons, you can benefit from the health tourism services you have agreed upon. You can have a pleasant time with our institution. The city, which offers world cuisines to its foreign guests, continues to raise its star with the number of foreign guests increasing every year.

Ani Castle, the gateway to Anatolia. Located in the southeast of the city of Kars, within the borders of Ocaklı Village, 42 kilometers away from the city center, Ani Ruins have hosted various cultures since prehistoric times due to its topography very suitable for settlement and defense. The city, which was founded at the first entry point of the Silk Road from the Caucasus to Anatolia, an important trade route during the Middle Ages, showed great development during this period and became the political, cultural and economic center of the region. Ani is a summary of the medieval city with its impressive walls that have largely survived, examples of religious and civil architecture and city planning. The multiculturalism in Ani throughout history has also been effective in shaping the religious and civil architecture here. Ani, which contains buildings belonging to different religions such as Ateşgede Temple, churches of various plans and a mosque from the Seljuk Period, has a special position in the history of medieval architecture and urbanism as a commercial city with a multicultural structure.

The second EYT bill is in the Parliament: What are the conditions for 6 thousand 250 bonus days in gradual retirement?

The second EYT bill is in the Parliament: What are the conditions for 6 thousand 250 bonus days in gradual retirement?

Millions of employees with SSK and Bağ-Kur who entered the Social Security Institution (SGK) between 2000 and 2008 are waiting for the gradual retirement law. A new bill for gradual age requirements, currently on the Parliament's agenda, proposes significant changes for those who started working after 2000. So, what are the gradual retirement conditions? Retirement conditions apply differently for everyone. Many of those who were at retirement age (EYT) who had insurance access before September 9, 1999, retired last year. A new EYT law proposal, currently on the agenda of the Parliament, proposes important changes for those who started working after 2000. This proposal includes gradually increasing the number of premium days and rearranging certain age limits. In the new regulation, a solution is sought to the problems of age in the retirement process for those registered with SSI, Bağ-Kur and Emekli Sandığı between 2000 and 2008.

What are the retirement conditions?

Before amendments were made to the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510; If the premium conditions specified in the law were met, 20 years of insurance period for women and 25 years for men were among the retirement conditions. With the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447 adopted on September 8, 1999, the retirement age for women became 58 and for men it became 60. In 2008, the retirement age was increased to 65 with Law No. 5510 for people who started working as insured people for the first time. In other words, with the change made in 2008, people whose insurance premiums had expired could retire if they waited until the age of 65. All eyes are on the Parliament as to whether the bill that will open the door to early retirement for millions will be accepted and what impact it will have on the pension system. "When we look at the history of Turkey from the perspective of retirement, we see that three different Pension Laws similar to EYT have been enacted," said SGK Expert Emin Yılmaz regarding the subject. In his statement to Vatan, he said: "According to our current laws, there are three periods regarding retirement: before 1999, between 1999 and 2008 and after 2008. Your insurance start date automatically determines these retirement conditions. To briefly summarize, in line with the current law Before September 8, 1999, the age limit was abolished; 25 years for men and 20 years for women, and premium days vary between 5,000 and 5,975 days. One day after September 8, 1999, that is, between September 9, 1999 and May 1. In 2008, the age limit was determined as 60 for men and 58 for women, and premium days were increased to 7,000 days. There is currently a second EYT bill submitted to the Parliament, that is, a bill regarding those who started working after 2000. "This group formed an association to demand their rights," he said and added:

'Everything is possible' "When we look at the content of the bill, the premium days should be gradually increased, especially starting from 6,250 days to 7,000 days, that is, not directly 7,000 days, but the premium days defined starting from 6,250 days will gradually change within themselves, and the ages for the second group of EYT will start from 43 to 50 and 52. It is requested that the job progress up to the age of 10. The Gazi Parliament will decide on this bill and then the situation will become clear. Since we are in Turkey, we can say that anything is possible. Regarding those who got a job after September 8, 1999, when they reach a certain age, they will be dismissed on the grounds that they are 'old'. One of the reasons for this request is that they are not employed. As for the people of Bag-Kur, due to the laws passed after September 8, 1999, even if they prove it retroactively, they cannot receive these days due to the law and their ages are likewise 58, 60 or even 65. "It goes up to age. A bill has been submitted to correct this. Our parliament will determine the process again."

The claim that foreign students enter universities in Turkey without exams.

Foreign nationals living in Turkey and issues related to them are frequently brought to the agenda by social media users. One of the frequently brought up issues is how foreign students are accepted to universities in Turkey. It was seen that some social media users shared claims that foreign students entered universities in Turkey without exams.


A social media user shared a claim with his followers about how foreign students are accepted to universities in Turkey. The user included the following statements in his post, which received a significant amount of interaction in a short time:

"While Turkish students work day and night trying to get into a university with YKS, foreign students can get into any university they want in Turkey without an exam. In Turkey, where engineering education is possible for 7 thousand liras, the number of foreign students has almost doubled in the last year."

Later, it was seen that similar posts were shared by other users.


AA Confirmation Line had previously contacted the Press Consultancy Office of Higher Education Institutions after these allegations came to the fore, and the Consultancy said, "There is no such thing as claimed. It is not possible to enter the university except for certain criteria."

In addition, it is possible to clearly see the decisions on the subject in the official account of the Council of Higher Education. From these open sources, it can be seen that Article 4 of the General Principles section of the 'Principles on Admission of Students from Abroad' includes the following statement:

"In the evaluation of student applications during the admission of students from abroad, the exams that are recommended to be used by universities in accepting foreign students and approved by the Council of Higher Education; the exams that have the status of high school graduation exams (Abitur, International Baccalaureate, GCE, Tawjihi, etc.) should not be limited to their validity period, but the university entrance exam Limiting the validity period of exams (SAT, etc.) to two years.

In addition, YÖK organizes the Turkey International Student Admission Exam (TR-YÖS) for students who want to study in Turkey.

The TR-YÖS exam guide, which was published in 2023 and can be accessed from the website of the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center of the Republic of Turkey (ÖSYM), contains various information about the principle of student admission and the functioning of the exam. The following statements are included in the 7th article of the 'General Information, Basic Principles and Rules' section, which is the first part of the Guide.

"The methods to be used in the admission of students to higher education institutions, such as the countries' own national exams, international exams, the exam conducted by the university, etc., and the principles including their lowest scores, can be found in the "Guide for Students to be Admitted from Abroad" on the websites of the relevant higher education institutions. Candidates who are in their final year or have graduated from high school and who want to receive associate and bachelor's degree education in our country with their own means within the framework of the international student admission quotas, have the exams and scores (YÖS, Abitur, etc.) determined by the universities and approved by the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education. SAT, IB etc.) will be evaluated by the university if they apply directly to the university with these documents and other documents requested by the university.

In the articles clearly stated in the guide, it is seen that foreign students who want to study in Turkey have to prove their proficiency through certain exams.

Newspaper Centmarin Saying!

"Duties and Responsibilities of Municipalities"

The main duties of municipalities include urban infrastructure such as zoning, water and sewage, and transportation; services such as environment and environmental health. While municipalities provide social opportunities in the fields of culture and arts to citizens living within their borders, the development of these areas is among the duties of the municipality.

Other important duties include trying to solve the housing problems of the people living within the municipal borders, trying to develop tourism in the municipality area, organizing and supporting touristic developments, and ensuring that the youth and children of the town benefit from sports and social services.

What is a municipality? An organization with a legal entity whose president and members are elected and provides public services such as street maintenance, cleaning, lighting, water, and supervision of tradesmen in settlements such as provinces, districts, and sub-districts.

What does the municipality manage?

According to the law, the municipal organization is considered an organization with legal personality. Mayor; He is the person who manages the municipal organization and is responsible for cleaning, lighting, water system, public transportation and tradesmen inspection within the borders of settlement centers such as provinces, districts and towns.

What Does Mayor Mean?

The mayor is the person who heads the municipal organization. He is the highest manager representing the legal entity of the municipality.

According to the law, the municipal organization is considered an organization with legal personality. Mayor; He is the person who manages the municipal organization and is responsible for cleaning, lighting, water system, public transportation and tradesmen inspection within the borders of settlement centers such as provinces, districts and towns.

What Does a Mayor Do? What are their Duties and Responsibilities?

The mayor represents the municipality as the highest ranking officer in the organization. Other duties of the mayor, who presides over the municipal council and municipal council, are as follows:

To be responsible for the management of the unions established by the municipality,

To be responsible for the execution of the municipality's strategically important plans, projects and investments,

To manage the associations, unions and organizations established for the execution of the plans and projects of the municipal council,

To be responsible for the inspection of all institutions, unions, associations, vehicles, equipment and fixtures owned by the municipality,

Supervising municipal personnel,

To be responsible for the supervision and representation of sports competitions, festivals, fairs and organizations organized by the municipality,

Being responsible for commercial cooperation and sister municipality projects with mayors of foreign countries,

To be responsible for all municipal affairs and transactions other than those specified.

[What does different perspective say?

What kind of understanding does developing the football school require? How sensitive are clubs on this issue? Are there other schools of football other than the Yugoslav, Romanian and Bulgarian schools?

Total football and Johan Cruyff founded a school, in fact. In this school, the goalkeeper was seen as the first centre-forward. It was accepted that a player could only control ten or fifteen meters. It is a system of narrowing the space when the opponent has the ball and opening the space when the ball is in control.

So what was the secret of Yugoslavia's success?

According to football authorities; Yugoslavia had a school that worked like a machine. Everyone in the national team knew the system like the back of their hand and naturally, no one in the team was smiling. In addition, Yugoslavs took care of their work with great discipline. Before the separation of the Balkan countries, the number of football players that Yugoslavia would include in its squad was quite high.

How do the French view the economy?
France adopts liberal economy. The liberal system came to the fore after the French Revolution. After the collapse of absolute kingship, the concept of citizen was formed. State structuring gave birth to the concept of nation state. France is one of the European States considered imperialist. So, how does France view the economy? France adopts two concepts based on making money by developing scarce economic areas through commercial activities and turning economic areas into profit through time trading. Let's talk about why France is called imperialist. How do these two fundamentally correct understandings turn into colonialism? The reason is that it originates from an imperial approach that consists of misrepresenting and exploiting the economic field as economics by turning it into a monetary medium. However, in economic activities, price, not money, is important. This is how economic knowledge is.

Odine Solutions is going public. Requests are collected on March 12, 13, 14 .

Odine Solutions is going public. Requests are collected on March 12, 13, 14 . Odine Solutions is going public. Requests are collected on March 12, 13, 14 . Odine was among the 50 fastest growing technology companies in 2020 and 2021 within the scope of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 list. Within the scope of the Technology Fast 50 Program, Turkey's most successful and fastest rising technology companies are ranked according to their performance. In the Odine Solutions public offering, shares with a total nominal value of 44,200,000 TL will be sold at a fixed price of 30 TL and the sold shares will be distributed equally to individual investors. While the company's public offering size was announced as 1.32 Billion TL, its free float rate was determined as 40 percent. Odine Solutions is a leading systems integrator in EMEA, focusing on Tier-1 Mobile Network Function Virtualization, with unique expertise in the production of private or hybrid cloud telecom networks. Following the completion of the public offering process, the company's shares will begin to be traded on the Yıldız Market under the code ODINE. Yıldız Pazar is the Market where shares with a market value of 300 million TL and above, which are offered to the public at the first listing on the Stock Exchange, will be traded.

Market research company Euromonitor International has published the most visited cities in 2023. Istanbul ranked first on the list.

Market research company Euromonitor International has published the most visited cities in 2023. Istanbul ranked first on the list.

Istanbul, which was in the first place with the preference of 20 million 200 thousand visitors, was followed by London with 18 million 800 thousand visitors and Dubai in third place with 16 million 800 thousand visitors. Antalya ranked fourth on the list with 15 million 700 thousand visitors.

Hong Kong fell behind in the rankings

While Paris, the capital of France, was the fifth most visited city, Hong Kong, which was regularly ranked as the most visited city in the world before the coronavirus outbreak, ranked 6th this time.

Why Istanbul?

The number of visitors is expected to increase in 2024 for Istanbul, which ranks first among the most visited cities. Investigating the most important reasons why Istanbul rose to the first place, Time Out magazine said that Turkey's relaxation of visa requirements for travelers from the USA and Canada, combined with its dazzling views, cultural richness, shopping opportunities, historical richness and blending of Asian and European culture, made the city increasingly popular. He wrote that one reason is that it has become more popular.

The EYT regulation came into force with the law enacted on March 3, 2023. Millions of people gained retirement rights.

The EYT regulation came into force with the law enacted on March 3, 2023. Millions of people gained retirement rights. A bill was submitted to the Parliament for those who were insured until the recovery in 2008. After the EYT regulation, which enabled millions of people to retire, all eyes were on the situation of insured people between 1999 and 2008.

A new law proposal has been prepared for those who are not included in the law for those who are old enough to retire (EYT) on the basis of day calculation. A gradual transition was requested in the period between 1999 and 2008.

With the law enacted on March 3, 2023, EYT granted the right to retirement to those who have worked for 25 years for men and 20 years for women, without any age requirement. However, those who were employed on or before September 8, 1999 benefited from this right. Those who started working on or after September 9, 1999, were again victimized despite working for 24 years.

Those in this situation must be at least 58 years old for women and 60 years old for men. There are those who started working on September 9, 1999 and missed retirement by one day. In order to resolve this second EYT grievance, a bill was prepared by Democratic Party Izmir Deputies Salih Uzun and Haydar Altıntaş and Istanbul Deputy Cemal Enginyurt.

In the justification of the proposal submitted to the Presidency of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, it was stated that the age requirement for those who started working before September 8, 1999 was abolished and the grievance was partially eliminated, adding: "However, for those who started working after this date, 58-60 years of age and 7,000 bonus days are still required. For those in this situation, a gradual transition should be implemented in the period between 1999 and 2008. "Starting from the age of 43 for women and 45 for men, it should be increased by one year for each year, and the bonus day should be staggered between 6,250 and 7,000," it said.

Capia gives health.

Capia pepper is rich in vitamin C and a powerful diuretic. It prevents blood clotting. Capia, which is also a native species in our country, is suitable for greenhouse cultivation activities. It can provide income, especially in regions with mountain climates. Stuffed capia and capia appetizers are a delicious choice for the table. By taking the seeds, first the seedlings can be made and then the production can be made. It is ideal in open greenhouses and fields. It is used in pastry, capia and as stuffing.

Turkish Classical Music offers a rich diversity.

There are a hundred different modes in Turkish Classical Music. This situation offers musical diversity. The makams that fit the context are; buselik, çargah and kurdi maqams. Other makams are not suitable for performing with baglama. Isfahan, Suzinaz and karcigah maqams are other important maqams. Isfahan; It is sister to cities such as Istanbul, Florence and Petersburg and is located in Iran.

Garden city

Bangalore, officially Bengaluru, is the capital and largest city of the southern Indian state of Karnataka. It is India's third most populous city and fourth most populous urban conurbation, with a population of over 8 million and a metropolitan population of approximately 15 million. It is the most populous city and largest urban agglomeration in South India and the 27th largest city in the world. Located on the Deccan Plateau, at an altitude of over 900 m above sea level, Bangalore enjoys a pleasant climate throughout the year. It has earned the title of "Garden City" of India with its parks and green areas. Its altitude is the highest among major cities of India.

Are we harming nature by interfering with it?

We have been subjected to the wrath of nature for a few days. We want to make a profit with some techniques. But do we think about nature enough? We need to think. Every minute we don't think about turns into harm. Let's not take nature lightly. Of course we want to make a profit. However, our need for research is increasing day by day. It is obvious that we made mistakes in allocating the necessary time to projects, feasibility and optimization.

Optimized areas increase efficiency.

Clearing offices are located in ports. They do import and export business. The port built in Mahmutlar in Alanya district of Antalya is the gate of the Konya Plain opening to the sea. The hinterland is highly developed. With the construction of transportation lines, the port has turned into an optimum economy.  

Migros increased the number of stores.

As of January 2024, Migros increased the number of stores to 3,368 and opened 17 new stores. Migros Ticaret A.Ş. is one of the supermarket chains in Turkey. The foundations of Migros were laid in 1954, with the decision taken by the Istanbul Municipality, with the establishment in Turkey of a similar retailer to the Migros retailer, known in Switzerland with the slogan "King of Cheapness". Migros, which also offers arrangement sales to Istanbulites, was opened by the then Governor and Mayor of Istanbul, Fahrettin Kerim Gökay.

Valentine's Day Concert.

Valentine's Day, February 14, hosts many events. One of these events is happening in Fethiye. A special Valentine's Day Gökhan Tepe Concert will be held at the opening ceremony at Fethiye Mualla Stage. Entrance ticket price is 1,000 ₺. Born in Istanbul on February 8, 1978, Gökhan Tepe studied at Yeşilyurt Hamdullah Suphi Tanrıöver Primary School. After primary school, seeing his talent for music, he entered Istanbul Technical University Turkish Music State Conservatory in 1988.

In 1996, he released the album "Çöz Beni", produced by İskender Ulus. He shot music videos for the songs "Dönmem", "Bayıldım", "Aşk Belası", "Zor Gelen" and "Çöl Çiçeği" from this album. Later, his second album "Canözüm" was released in 1999.

In November 2022, the single "Lover's Heart Knows" was released to the audience. In September 2023, he released the 2023 version of the song "Maybe sadness, maybe love".

Urban transformation is important.

Turkey is located on fault lines. Therefore, urban transformation should be carried out systematically. Each passing day can cause damage. The solution against earthquakes is urban transformation. Therefore, it is essential for authorities and companies to be sensitive. Citizens should support urban transformation efforts.

What happens if inflation falls?

Falling inflation means that price increases slow or stop. If inflation decreases, the prices of some goods and services may decrease. This may be because the balance of demand and supply is affected and competition in the market increases

If the inflation rate decreases but the price of the goods continues to increase, prices will continue to increase even under conditions where they say "inflation has decreased". With the effect of this increase, the foreign exchange rate will continue to rise "even if it depends only on inflation."

Local governments are different from others.

We have a choice before us. We will determine local administrators. Every citizen will go to the polls and vote. It must be acknowledged that local governments are different from others. The main responsibility of local governments is infrastructure. First of all, it is necessary to solve the problems in existing infrastructures. Transportation is another element. Maintenance and renovation works of the roads must be completed. Local governments should also provide convenience to citizens and help them solve their problems.

The value of the electrıc consumptıon reserved ıs ıncreasıng.

Our consumption habits include items such as food, energy and education. Electricity is part of the energy item. Given that the reserve is total potential, what behavior should we develop? First of all, we must accept that consumption has a counterpart. Fiscal structure has priority in terms of interest. Invoice revenues form a whole in the organization of consumption activities. Our first behavior is that the invoice generates profitability with financial zoning. Our second behavior is to develop financially innovative sustainable spaces. The bill is an earned consumption. In the definition of value, one should not price the consumption potential. Our third behavior is to develop abstract fields and to do higher mathematics, that is, metaphysical studies. 

Invoices should be evaluated in the commercial field.

The information is that the invoice is a commercial gain. When we apply the principle of logic, it is necessary to evaluate it in the commercial field. According to the mercantilist understanding, wealth in the Middle Ages was tied to the land. With the spread of precious metals in the New Age, it became dependent on gold and silver. Not transferring invoices to commercial projects is an effective reason for wasting economic value. A citizen paying a monthly bill of five hundred lira is a commercial value. Transforming existing resources into economic value is smartness, profitability and savings. 

Is it true that rent increases exceed ten percent?

Many people live on rent. Rental income turnover reaches high figures even on a monthly basis. Experts are of the opinion that rent is not economic gain. This situation causes the national income to shift out of the economy. So what is the solution? The law also guarantees the economic rights of citizens. According to the law, rent increases can be increased by ten percent of the previous year. As a result, it is necessary to keep the hikes at the level of ten percent so that the rental income of the previous year does not decrease. The economic mind thinks so. 

Textiles are not just clothes.

The raw material of the weaving industry is cotton. As a result of agricultural activities, cotton production and cultivation reduces water resources. At this point, consumers have responsibilities. We should not waste the textile products we buy. Every wasted textile product means a decrease in water resources. The sensitive consumer should use resources efficiently and economically. 

Succulent is called money flower.

Sukulent is known by various names among the people. Like the flower of abundance. The nomenclature we will refer to is the money flower. Lydians found money for the first time. Therefore, money is unique to Anatolia. Lydia is a trade tribe. They brought the money instead of the barter method. 

We are entering winter.

As of November 15, the winter season begins. The coastal areas are rainy as of November. The winter season is divided into three as November, zemheri and hamsin. Zemheriye is called in the dark. November and zemhar are forty-five days, and hamsin is fifty days. 

The most important advantage of the digital age continues to be applications.

The digital age, called the numerical age, offers convenience with appliques. Applications required by the sectors are considered popular. Complicated appliqués in the architectural field make architectural projects easier. Thus, more time is allocated to other areas of the projects. For example, in a hotel project, more time is allocated to the business dimension. The profitability of the projects is increasing. 

Naturalness is at the forefront in marketing.

Markets are frequented by consumers. Its feature is that natural products are displayed on the counters. Markets are not suitable for industrial products. It is also indispensable in the markets for handmade organic products. Aegean Region offers a rich market with various herbs.